About Us

At Quasar Products Ltd our commitment has always been to give our customers “Value for Money” so we set out to build the finest quality British Made products that money could buy. Our prices were set way back in 1998 and since then the products have undergone many development changes and improvments going from the strength of construction to the final finish and packaging just to ensure that you get it in as perfect condition as it leaves us, In all this time (19 years) our prices have virtually remained the same whereas manufacturing costs have over “Doubled”! Still our drive to give you the same amazing value has continued along with your Lifetime Guarantee.

Our determination along with your confidence to buy the products have made them Highly Successful Worldwide and they still continue to sell themselves on their own merit partially due to your Loyalty, Recommendation and Quality of the products themselves.

For helping to bring the sales of our Products to the International level they hold today, We wish to say a very big “Thank You”